John Palmer Phillips

A Major Collection of Pictures Bequeathed to  Birmingham’s Art Gallery.

Mr. John Palmer Phillips, of The Oaks, Birmingham, retired solicitor, a well-known art collector, and a generous donor to the Birmingham Art Gallery, left £78,080.

His bequests to the Birmingham Art Gallery include his collection of water-colour by David Cox (twenty-five in number), William Muller (nine), John Syer (five), Thomas Collier (four), E. M. Wimperis (four), Walter Langley (three), George Chamber.* (three), Prout (three), C. Stanfield (three), Copley Fielding (three). De Wint (three), Harding (two), R. Bonington (two), J. Aumonier (two), J. Varley, W. B. Calderon, and

Napier Hemy (one each), conditional upon these water-colours being hung together in one collection to be called the Palmer Phillips' Gift to the Gallery," and oil paintings by David Cox (six in number), W. Langley (two), and J. Syer and R. Bonington (one each).

Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser

Thursday 13 March 1913